Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Call for papers for the first annual Sistah Vegan Conference

Dr. Breeze Harper, editor and mastermind of black female vegan anthology, Sistah Vegan, is hosting the  first annual Sistah Vegan Conference this fall, on September 14, 2013. It will be an online interactive conference, meaning presenters can use webcams, audio, and PowerPoint which will be fully experienced by the audience.

At the end of each talk, audience members will be able to engage in Q&A with the presenter. The entire conference talks will be video recorded and accessible after the event, to ensure that this valuable information will not be lost; it also ensures that those with internet access who could not attend will be able to access this information.

They are specifically looking for critical perspectives on veganism, animal compassion work, and self-care from the epistemological standpoint/embodied experiences of people identified women of African descent. We seek presentation that address

  • sizeism
  • ableism
  • lgbtq experience and challenges in heteronormative spaces
  • intersecting antiracism and animal compassion
  • how racist micro aggressions in predominantly white spaces affect our health, and why self care is a needed aspect of ‘social justice’ for Black women and girls
  • critical perspectives on Afrocentric or Afrikan holistic health movement
  • parenting as a black vegan

Topics need not be limited to these above, however, the above are more of a priority, due to their near invisibility in most vegan and animal compassion spaces. This is open to all women and girls of African descent regardless of ‘formal’ education background or writing/artistic style. We encourage academic and non academic presentations.

Should your presentation be accepted, you are invited to submit it to be part of the first Sistah Vegan journal issue, scheduled for a January 2014 release.

Please send proposals by July 10, 2013 which should include your name, institutional affiliation (if you have none, that is fine too), presentation title and 150 word abstract. Talks should be about 20 minutes long, with 15 minutes for Q and A. Email to breezeharper at gmail dot com.

Possible keynote speakers have already been sent invitations. Once their participation is confirmed, Dr. Harper will post their presentation titles.

As part of the Go Fund Me campaign to raise money for the Sistah Vegan Project , those who can help are asked to donate to see this conference happen. Dr Harper will be offering honorariums for keynote speakers and hopes to offer scholarships for those who cannot pay registration fees. Why registration fees? Though it is online, there is a need to pay for the internet conferencing service and a plan that can host one hundred or more people. All are welcomed to register and attend as audience members.

For more information visit Sistah Vegan.

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